API routes (Click a route to expand it, click here to expand/collapse all)
Provides the API-specification. Only enabled if API exposure is enabled.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
format URI-Query string
enum: [ "KateAPI", "InternalAPIMap", "OpenAPI", "Swagger" ]
Yes "KateAPI" Documentation format. We support KateAPI documentation, Swagger/OpenAPI documentation and raw output of the internal API-map cache.
openApiVersion URI-Query int
enum: [ 2, 3 ]
Yes 2 Version 3 is crappy with request bodies, so we prefer version 2 (which only sucks regarding Response definitions; hence we prefer KateAPI documentation).
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 object The API-documentation.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
POST/auth/logout Authentication required
Log out of Agrimeter-Connection
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 true Confirmation that you have logged out.
ExternalServiceUnauthorizedException 401 Authorization for requested method rejected (check description), likely you need to log in with Agrimeter first. Log in with Agrimeter first.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
POST/import Authentication required
Request Agrimeter for a Transaction Import.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
idValuation POST-body string
maxLength: 128
No The ID of the Valuation which requests the import of Agrimeter Transactions.
callbackURL POST-body string No The callback URL which the request will return the result to.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 AuditMessage The Agrimeter message with the details of the import.
RedirectToLoginException 401 Not yet logged in at Agrimeter, use loginURL to log in. Log in with Agrimeter first.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
POST/mgmt/plugin/clear/translations Authentication required
Clears the Translations-plugin cache. Should only be invoked against services that utilize this plugin.
Parameter Location Type Requirements Optional Default value Description
rfc5646languageTag POST-body string
format: [A-Za-z0-9-]+
Yes null Language to clear the translations for, for example "en", "en-US" or "en-US-x-cw". If not provided, clears the translations for all languages
rootNamespace POST-body string
enum: [ "ui", "mail", "err", "red", "wf", "mgmt" ]
Yes null Root Namespace to clear specific cached translations, for example "ui" "red". If not provided, clears the root namespace for all translations.
Response HTTP Type Description
Success 200 bool Returns true.
MissingRequiredParameterException 400 The request is missing a required input parameter. See details for involved parameter.
InvalidParameterException 400 The request has an invalid argument. See details for involved parameter and invalidation.
AuthenticationFailedException 401 Authentication failed. Re-authenticate and retry. See error details for details.
UnauthorizedException 403 Authorization for requested method rejected. See error details for details.
Authentication required:
Authentication scheme:
Required flags:
Authentication schemes (Click an authentication scheme to expand it)
Result wrappers (Click a result-wrapper to expand it)